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Sociedad Lucas, DR.

Serving People in Jesus’ name.

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the Kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.

Bringing Healing and Hope Through Christ’s Love and Service

God has placed in our hearts to reach this forgotten population in order to bring them not only the physical services they may need but also the spiritual healing that God offers through Christ Jesus. Following the example modeled by Christ, we go to different communities providing medical assistance to those in need, feeding the hungry, educating, and preaching the gospel.

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Measurable results are the name of the game

What They’re Saying

Sociedad Lucas in the Dominican Republic is a mission that I have known about for years. I first came here as a high school student and then years later as a teacher with my students. This summer I had the amazing opportunity to come on my own to teach English. It is evident that Dr. Silvia, her family, and everyone else who works with Sociedad Lucas are completely invested in the ministry and what God is doing in their community. Coming here for the summer allowed me to see God in a different way. He changed so much of my perspective and my understanding of what it looks like to serve in ministry and to love others well. They truly shine God’s love to the community around them. Sociedad Lucas is a testimony to what happens when people say yes in obedience to God and allow him to do the rest.

Rebecca DietermanM.A. in TESOL, Michigan, USA

Our mission trips to the DR have been a family affair for 20 years now. Nothing has taught my children more about service and sacrifice than ministering alongside the Martinez family. Our view of God is so much bigger having seen Him working in another country.

Carol GodwinUSA

In places where I expected to show others God’s love, I instead found myself surrounded by the energizing faith of children, which encouraged me to look inward at how I treated my own relationship with God. God shattered my expectations and grew my faith. The community’s youth group & kids at the school became my dear friends and a source of joy, making leaving so hard. I can’t wait to go back!

Grace PadillaUSA

My favorite part of our mission trips to Sociedad Lucas and the D.R. has been making new friends, and experiencing just a little more of how God must see His incredible world. Working side by side, playing with the kids, teaching English, worshiping together…I love getting to know another culture and building relationships with Dr. Silvia, her family & the school staff.

Kris WassinkMichigan / USA

have been to El cacique 6 times on serve trips with Keystone Community Church. While working to build classrooms I am always happy to interact with the children attending the school. I enjoy returning each year to visit with the students and see both their physical and educational growth. Participating on these serve trips has been one of the many joys in my life.

Chris WermeMichigan

It's time to make God's love our priority. Let's change the DR together.

Every little bit helps the greater good of the world.

We have a long track record of wide-reaching effects.